Fall Festival


Save the date for this Ashburton Community favorite, featuring games, fall themed activities and the famous Haunted Hallway!  Ticket sales & volunteer sign-ups will open in mid September.


Volunteers Needed for Haunted Hallway 2024!


The Haunted Hallway (HH24) has been an Ashburton tradition for many years and is a mainstay of our annual Fall Fest. However, it is not possible to put on a production of this size without your help! It also happens to be an extremely fun and rewarding experience for all involved. Below are descriptions of the volunteer positions needed. Thanks in advance for stepping up and helping to make HH24 a success! 
We need a few people to help us in these areas:
Haunted Hallway Planning 
We are recruiting a small group of parent volunteers to help brainstorm, coordinate props, and help with overall execution (mwwahahaha!) of the Ashburton Haunted Hallway 2024. Put your creativity into action to make HH24 the best it can be! 
  • Help with ideation
  • Help source any extra props we might need from contacts/parents/neighbors
  • Any other activities needed so that everything comes together on Saturday
Friday Night (10/18) Setup Helpers - begins right after school 
  • unpack the vast trove of halloween supplies & decorations, stage in the hallway
  • hang wall & ceiling/light coverings
  • divide up the rooms with hanging tarps
  • extension cords galore
  • help pick up loaned items from parents & neighbors
Saturday (10/19) Morning & Afternoon Setup Helpers
  • assemble animatronics and various other props
  • props placement
  • details: cobwebs, splatters, signage
  • lighting
  • final touches
Saturday (10/19) Monitors - Show time 
  • make sure everything runs safe and smoothly
  • Keep an eye on the student volunteer actors and visitors walking through the exhibit
  • Crowd control and controlling flow of visitors into the exhibit
Saturday (10/19) Initial Teardown - immediately after the show
  • remove and discard/recycle wall coverings
  • take down hanging dividers
  • stage animatronics in the atrium for disassembly on Sunday
  • General clean up
  • We really try to get as much down so Sunday is a lighter lift
Sunday Morning (10/20) Teardown
  • disassemble animatronics and pack away
  • pack up decorations & props into bins and stow away for next year
  • Return loaned items back to parents & neighbors
  • Final cleaning and walk through -  the hallway space is restored to the condition in which we found it
If you have any questions, please reach out to william.mellema@gmail.com


Ashburton Elementary School
Saturday, October 19, 2024 3:30pm

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